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Top 6 Reasons Our Customers Switched

Check Out The Top 6 Reasons That Our Customers Have Told Us Why They Switched To Solar Energy...

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How We Will Help YOU


   At Enlighten Solar, we will guide you through an easy process to help you make the switch to solar energy. Whether you’re in your forever home or you see a move in your future, we can assist you with saving through solar energy NOW. At the same time, having one of our beautiful state-of-the-art solar photovoltaic systems will Raise Your Home’s value, so when you do go to sell it you will have a higher demand and your home will be sold at a higher premium.



   With $0 out of pocket to make the switch to solar energy, you are assured that you will see immediate savings starting day one, and with our warranties, guarantees, and continued active monitoring available through Palmetto. You are assured to have a risk free investment for the lifetime of your home.



   Solar has been around commercially since the 70’s. With the technology developing over that vast amount of time, it is secure, safe, and mega efficient. Have no fear because you would still be connected to the utility grid for a backup as well!


   Enlighten solar and and our partners have combined to assist thousands of homes across the USA, and have saved families an average of $18,764 over 25years. With our experience, we will delight you with an easy setup and install process, to go along with your savings.



   You have made a decision that you wanted electricity last month, this month, and the next. The easy part NOW is that you can choose how you want to receive it. If you choose to reduce your cost, with solar energy,  then we are the group that will be there for you from beginning to end.



Questions about government incentives? Your state's or utility company's available rebates? Anything else at all, if you still have a question that we haven’t covered, then just shoot us a quick message on our chat icon on the bottom right corner!


We Look forward to helping your home and family with solar savings soon!



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